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One question we hear from people who contact us about gutter cleaning is ‘When is the best time to get your gutters cleaned?

It’s a good question and there are a number of factors that will steer us to an answer, because it varies depending on the environment, the condition of the home, and when you last had it done.

If it’s been more than 2 years since they were done last

Some properties with good gutter installations, in locations where there are no trees, and moss-free roofs can require very infrequent gutter cleaning.

Your local GutterPRO can inspect and advise on frequency, and if your gutters are clear, there is no charge.

If you can see weeds growing out of the gutters

Weeds in gutters means that you already have a problem and you shouldn’t delay getting your gutters cleared.

During the winter, it can look like the weeds die off but come March, these will spring back into life and roots can force joints apart and in extreme cases, work their way into the fabric of your home.

If you have moss on your roof

Moss tends to grow on one side of a roof more than the other, and the rain and dampness where a roof is in shade much of the time, encourages growth. As the moss dries out, bits break off and roll down into the gutters.

The frequency of clearing will depend on how much moss is on the roof, and how well the gutters wash away the debris. If you have any corners in your guttering system, you are most likely to need more frequent clears, but you can have this done at any time through the year.

Moss, not leaves, are the number one cause of gutter problems.

If you have any overflowing of rainwater

The first time you spot any overflowing of rainwater you should book a gutter clear. It could be joint that’s failed or become misaligned due to cycles of temperature changes having an effect on the uPVC material that gutters are made of, but the cheapest and easiest course of action is to book a GutterPRO visit.

If the gutters are clear, then there is no charge with GutterPRO.

If you spot any signs of damp

There are many potential causes of damp in a property. Resolution could be a simple as ventilation by opening a window, or using a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air. Resolution could be as extreme as rebuilding a wall or reroofing a home.

The first steps to addressing damp should always include a gutter clear & inspection. We have seen first hand where blocked gutters have caused damp patches in bedrooms that, once the gutter was cleared, have dried up within weeks. A quick, inexpensive and simple remedy. If you have any damp, don’t delay in getting a gutter clear booked in at any time of year.

If your home is surrounded by trees

Yes, the traditional time of November/December/January would be the best time to clear your gutters if you have leaf fall that gets on your roof or gutters. You should also clear your gutters or at least have them inspected annually. With GutterPRO, if the inspection reveals empty gutters, then there is no charge.

We have seen properties where tall trees nearby deposit enough leaf litter or pine needles that they require a twice-yearly clear in August and February.

Avoid using any type of gutter guards or gutter brushes, especially if your home suffers from large quantities of leaf litter in the gutters. This work for a relatively short period of time before the debris finds it’s way into the gutters. The debris then becomes trapped and breaks down, making an excellent growing medium for seedlings. The gutter guards then make maintaining these gutters very difficult, and removing the guards can be expensive.

If you see water running down the outside of your downpipe

This is a sure sign of a blockage that will not get better on it’s own. A blockage will be either at the very top of the downpipe, or at the bottom, possibly underground. Downpipe blockages in the middle of a downpipe are extremely rare.

People don’t often go out in the rain and look at their downpipes, and this kind of problem is often silent but any signs of green algae forming on the pipe or the wall behind, or on the path below are indicative of a blockage.

This is not a problem to be left, so get professional help from GutterPRO. The problem may be below ground, but in any case, if it’s not the gutter but a soakaway or a drain below ground and the gutters are empty, there’s no charge.